Saturday 5 March 2011

the mornings

It's Saturday, my day of catch up , shopping, tidying and the like, but I'm up a lot earlier than I would like to be.
You sort of think that as your children get through the nappy phase that you will be able to sleep like a normal human being again. What you don't account for is that when they are young, children seem to need a lot less sleep than you do and when they are older the ferrying begins. Sport seems like such a good idea when you sign them up for it, you fall for the propaganda of it making them healthy and giving them friends and a feeling of comradeship, developing leadership skills and the like, and in all fairness, it probably does all of these things. What they don't tell you though is the effects on you of having to get cranky teenagers out of bed early in the morning at the weekend , forcing them to eat some breakfast before they go out of the door and then having to ferry them long distances to sporting activities. Then of course there is always the problem of what to do while they are playing whatever it is - never enough time to come home again before having to return to pick them up. All you want to do is put the car seat back and go back to sleep, which would be sensible, but the thought of being surrounded by people who you might know with slobber dribbling down the corner of your mouth while snoring in your car prevents this - never a good look. The supermarket is the usual refuge - here you can lean on a trolley for support and glide round the isles in a hypnotic stupor looking at all the things that you never normally get chance to when running in for the shopping. I came back from the last meet with two trees, a laundry basket and 35 cans of dog food in the car amongst other things - not good. Junior is in the morning room watching what passes for tv at this time of day whilst eating 3 croissants and drinking disgustingly strong coffee only slightly moderated by the presence of warm frothy milk - this is macho apparently, but i can't help thinking it is probably off setting some of the healthy effects of getting out there for sport in the first place and sometimes have to wonder just how healthy sport is when taken in the round as it were. C'est la vie!

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