Saturday 21 May 2016


There is nothing like looking at a room of 30 GPs to give you some idea of just how different we all are. All shapes and sizes all colours and creeds. It's strange that we all know how to be healthy and yet very few of us are, the rest of us follow our vices in just the same old ways. What does that tell you about human nature. The old adage "do as I say, not as I do" is a good one, certainly seems to apply to this lot. It was a back to school session for us all, to refresh our knowledge and keep one step ahead of the medical students chewing at our heels and capable of asking very difficult questions. It is reassuring though, to find out that you really do know stuff and that it's all in their somewhere. GPs are a different breed from hospital consultants in general. Consultants stand around scoring points off each other at meetings, whereas GPs play the observation game to see who among them is going to try and demonstrate superiority. No one did last night - unusual, must have been because it was after surgery and we were all tired after a long day.
No news from the juniors, which I shall take to be good news. Half term starts this week - then the hard work really begins with e 5 am starts again to get junior 3 to the pool on time and a late pick up in the evening to pick him up after the evening swim - oh joy.